Sustainability and the Bottom Line: 
The Responsible Collusion of Economics, Social Responsibility, and the Environment
A Review of Mid Course Correction
Ray C. Anderson, Author

The Interface model has become the paradigm of sustainable manufacturing in a world where there is dwindling disagreement as to the debilitating effects of expanding landfills and increasing CO2 emissions, all of which adversely affect ecosystems and human health. In Mid-Course Correction, Chairman Anderson examines the troubled past of Interface and its firm commitment to righting these wrongs while examining ways to actually begin a restorative process.

Progress Toward Zero: The Climb to Sustainability
Interview with Ray C. Anderson 

Overhauling a wasteful and polluting company takes insight, knowledge, commitment, and courage. In this quest to achieve total sustainability by producing its product with no carbon emissions or landfill matter, Interface is well on its way to its 2020 goals.

Plant Tour and Meeting with Members of Interface’s Sustainability Team: December 16, 2009
Simply stated, business does not work without the infusion of ethics. While “ethics” can be interpreted in a relative manner, there is no dispute within the scientific community as to the deleterious effects of unrestricted manufacturing processes and the role of environmental factors in generating health crises. The “cradle to grave” designation ― once descriptive of wasteful industrial practices ― is capable of evolving into a “cradle to cradle” approach, triggering a newfound common sense thinking demonstrated by both producers and consumers alike.
The Interface experience is demonstrating this evolutionary process.

Driving Sustainable Innovation:  A Pioneer for the 21st Century
Verena Kloos, President, BMW Group DesignworksUSA

An interesting look into one of the premier automobile manufacturers and the design team behind its emergence as a force – not only in the development of new and more efficient vehicles – but in the application of these eco-centered guidelines to other consumer products as well. Verena Kloos provides a rare insight into the role of not just a female officer in an industry largely dominated by men, but of a leader committed to embracing change where demanded.

Climate 2030:  A National Blueprint for a Clean Energy Economy – Executive Summary
Rachel Cleetus, Steven Clemmer, David Friedman
Union for Concerned Scientists

Courage of conviction, unyielding stamina to underscore the dangerous realities of unchanging lifestyle habits and doing business as usual in today’s world, and unfettered tenacity necessary to build an ever-growing network of dedicated individuals and scientists struggling to express the need for public awareness and governmental action, describes this nationwide group. The Union of Concerned Scientists, primarily headquartered in Cambridge, Massachusetts, presents its forecast for 2030 – complete with the recipe needed to be undertaken for individuals and businesses to both survive and thrive.

Succeeding Through Collaborative Conflict: The Paradoxical Lessons of Shared Leadership
Rebecca Paulson, Habibullah Wajdi, Charles Manz
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Facing serious challenges that may dictate the complete overhaul of business mindset and industry must be directed by sound leadership. But is it possible to lead alone or is collaboration necessary to confront these challenges? These authors tackle the well-known idiom “two heads are better than one” and extract from its meaning the inherent dichotomy in shared leadership, mediating differences of direction, and preserving the integrity of individual perspective in this new age.

Spiritual Enterprise: Doing Virtuous Business
Dane Starbuck, J.D. (a book review)

While textbooks and other non-fiction works concerning modern-day business practices are replete with detailing the endless stream of corporate scandals, reviewer Starbuck looks deeply into this writing of T.R. Malloch and finds something quite hopeful and inspiring: the plethora of enterprises that do follow virtuous practices – and succeed.