Journal of Values Based Leadership
Volume 3, Issue 2  Summer/Fall 2010

In This Issue

Introduction from the Editor

Valpo MBA

The Amish: An Economy of Values
Glen Schmucker, Co-owner, HomeStyle Furniture Shoppe
Nappanee, Indiana

Corporate Social Responsibility IS the Function of the CEO: A Portrait of Dr. Venu Srinivasan, President of the Confederation of Indian Industry
Shashank Shah & A. Sudhir Bhaskar, Dean, School of Business Management, Sri Sathya Sai University
Anantapur District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Whole Foods Market: Idealism, Values, and a National Boycott
Preface by Elizabeth Gingerich, Ed.
Interview with Roberta Lang, Esq., VP Legal Affairs, Whole Foods Market, Inc.
Austin, Texas

Philanthropic Initiatives and the Value Proposition Equation
Philip L. Fioravante, Capella University
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Personal Values and Commitment in Achieving Goals through the Cultural Organization of Work
Asep Suryana, M.Pd., Education University of Indonesia
Bangdung, Indonesia